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“Top Varawut” Minister of MSDHS joins “CYC Plus” to prevent violence and end bullying with “BuddyThai — Being Bullied, Talk to Buddy”

Monday 12th February 2024 — Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Company Limited (TTA Group) held an activity “BuddyThai — Being Bullied, Talk to Buddy” which is an activity under “CYC Plus” at Sa-nguan Ying School, Suphan Buri, with the objective to promote emotional awareness and provide skills to deal with bullying problems in schools.

Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security, presided over the opening ceremony and mentioned the importance of awareness of violence problems and violence reports, including an importance of children’s mental health. 

Mr. Varawut said that this event fostered the development of youth leadership in violence and bully prevention both in school and online. He also left a message for children that “Learn to love yourself first, before loving someone else.”

Moreover, BuddyThai also invited Mr. Jakkrit Yompayorm, also known as Kru Tom, to share his insights on the issue of bullying among children and youth. Bullying has become an increasingly serious problem in society. It is therefore crucial for children and youth to be equipped with the knowledge, understanding, and awareness of available help channels from various organizations when faced with bullying situations.

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rajanagarindra Institute (CAMRI), Department of Mental Health is collaborating with Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Company Limited (TTA Group) to develop an application called “BuddyThai” with the goals of helping children and youths who are bullied at school or through social media and hopefully relieving suicide rates among the children and youths in Thai society.


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Tel. : 02-0330104

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